Planning for custom design websites

Website Design PerthYou're ready to begin on your website. Now what?

Before we can begin your project we must have the agreement signed by you. The website design agreement outlines all the details of your project as well as both parties' responsibilities.

Communication is essential in the web design process. We have outlined the design process so you will know what to expect every step of the way.

You can use our predesign packages - view here, or have totally custom design website depending on your goals and needs.

steps in website design

Step 1 - Pick up the software package you need

Pick the softwarepackage that suits your budget.

Step 2 - Gather Requirments

Pick up the Design Package or check our online Design Quote for custom requirements

Step 3 - Research

Meet with us for half an hour consultation

Step 4 - Content collection and/or creation

Before we design the website, we need the website content. The words on the page affect how you lay out the site, so designers prefer to design a website around the current website copy. At this step, we collect or create: all copies, images, videos, links, your phone and contact numbers, PDFs, etc. If you a real estate agent - we also collect your properties to enter, suburbs details etc.

Step 5 - Proposal

The proposal will include website size, expectations, assumptions - who provides graphics, content etc, terms/conditions, schedule/timeline, and fees documented in a written agreement.

Step 6 -Design a results-based website

Once we collect all materials or our copywriter and designer create content for you, the design and development start. This step in the design process is to apply what is learned in the research phase to create designs that support the target audience. We will take all of the individual graphic elements to create the actual, functional site. The meeting with the client is set to ensure that both of us are satisfied with the progress.

Step 7 - Launch

The website has entered its final stages of testing, which basically means it’s almost ready to go live. Final tests usually focus on functionality, performance and security, as the web company gets ready to deliver the final product. This is an important part of the website design process. At this stage, the website will undergo a rigorous testing process such as compatibility in various web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and so on. We test the functionality of forms and we validate codes. Once you have your approval we publish your website.

Step 8 - Maintenance and monthly support

Since you are using our software full solution to build your website there is no need for you to sign up for maintenance packages (like in the case of custom website designs). Our technical support also extends to periodic performance and security tests, updates or add-on installations, in the case of CMSes Of course, you can opt not to engage us with maintenance. In this instance, the relationship with you is over. If your website starts performing badly or is hacked we can help but this could be very costly...and many times not possible to even help.